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Today is Monday, February 10, 2025.

Welcome to the City of Menlo Park Registration

Registering to use City of Menlo Park E-Gov Services is FREE, quick and easy to establish!

You can access your transaction history.

For example, requests submitted via the Action Line.

You can choose to have contact information (such as an address & telephone number) saved with your membership thereby eliminating the requirement to "re-type" this information into online forms.

City of Menlo Park Registration:
* Indicates a required field that must be filled in order to complete your registration.
* Email:
* Password:
* Verify Password:
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Phone Number: (
Cell Phone: (
Fax: (
  Citizen Register/Maintenance - Additional Address Info
* Address:
- Or Other Not Listed (Non-Resident) -
Invalid Address

The address you entered does not match any in the system. You can select a valid address from the list, or if you are certain the address you entered is correct click the "Use the address I entered" button, to continue.

* City:
* State:
* ZIP:
Business Name:
Business Street:
Street (if not listed):
Work Phone: (  ext.
Emergency Contact:
Emergency Phone: (

"Do Not Knock" List(s) 

 Do Not Knock - Peddlers
 Do Not Knock - Solicitors


Check the mailing list to which you would like to subscribe.


 Activity Guide
 Brand New Classes
 Online Registration
 Special Events

Internal Use Only, Leave Blank:
Please leave this field blank and remove any values that have been populated for it.


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